Ghana’s first digital pitch advertising board will be located in Tarkwa and Aboso Stadium.

According to multiple sources, the recently built Tarkwa and Aboso Stadium (TnA) will have Ghana’s first digital pitch advertising board.

Gold Fields Ghana Ltd. will supply a cutting-edge digital advertising panel for this contemporary 10,000-seat stadium.

This creative touch has the potential to completely transform stadium advertising and improve the experience for both marketers and fans.

With its cutting-edge technology and dynamic display capabilities, the digital board seeks to enthrall viewers and provide an engaging platform for advertising.

“It stands at 90% complete. A lot of the items needed to finish it are in-country, we had to take our time on a few things for purely safety reasons and nothing else,” disclosed Goldfields Foundation Executive Secretary Abdel-Razak Yakub in an interview on progress of work done so far.

“We had to appoint somebody who would sit here and ensure that things are done the way that would protect all of us and also done to the best of quality.”

The stadium, which is currently 90% finished, is anticipated to be turned over to Medeama, a top-tier football team in Ghana, in time for the 2024–2025 season.

When the stadium is finished, the National Sports Authority (NSA) and the Municipal government will oversee it, according to sources.

Tarkwa and Aboso Stadium

Tarkwa and Aboso Stadium


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